Personal Audio
While Bliss Hifi offers the full line of products from each of our partner brands, the products below are ones that are available for demo at our Minnetonka, MN location.
Combining exceptional aesthetic and engineering, ELITE delivers an accurate, authentic listening experience to satisfy even the most proficient audiophiles.
Empyrean II reproduces fine details and achieves a more neutral sound signature, all the while preserving the original “easy to listen to” character.
The LIRIC 2 features a new, refined sound profile, detachable magnetic ear pads, sublime Macassar ebony ear cups, and premium hand-braided copper cables.
Meze Audio's best performing open-back dynamic driver headphone demonsrates commitment to go beyond faithful reproduction and delivers pure emotion.
With walnut wood ear cups, soft ear pads, and a spring steel headband, the 99 Classics is heirloom that delivers natural sound to all audio lovers.
A fresh take on the 99 series for the uptown audiophile, 99 Neo brings together Meze Audio’s signature sound quality with cutting edge style.
A balanced blend of function and beauty through lifelike sound in a uniquely designed stainless steel chassis, ADVAR is an IEM like no other.
Ferrum's DAC leads the way for tomorrow’s high end offering flagship audio quality at an unprecedented price.
Headphone Amplifiers
OOR will drive any headphones effortlessly to the max of their potential, while preserving the essence of the music it amplifies.
Power Supplies
A hybrid linear/switching power system compatible with several brands and products that delivers detailed and revealing yet non-fatiguing performance.
Headphone Amplifiers
ERCO Gen 2 delivers performance one step closer to the WANDLA with a new I/V converter stage and a oversampling using a DDF preferred HQ Apodizing filter.